Toy build
As an organization, I cannot be any prouder than having watched our members work in unison together over our toy build weekend. Success does not come from having good leadership but from the ability of its whole working together for a common good. This was very evident beginning on Saturday morning and ending on Sunday afternoon. The woodshop at the El Camino Real Charter High School was akin to Santa’s workshop. As members entered the shop and began jockeying for position on the shop floor you could feel the tension in the air, as the start hour approached. And then, without hesitation that beautiful noise of tools ramped up like an orchestra approaching its crescendo! I knew at that point all was good. The tension released from my soul and the well oiled machine ran purrfectly all weekend. Now, some may disagree with my analogy but it is also that hectic goings on in the background that makes it all run smoothly.
Another successful Toy Build this year! We were able to meet again in person, at the El Camino Real Charter High School woodshop. We especially want to thank the woodshop teacher, Jake Friedberg for the use of his shop. We were able to make more than 1,500 toys this year, which were distributed to local worthy charities.
We want to thank Swaner Hardwoods, and Anderson Plywood for their generous donations of the wood we used to make the toys. We also want to thank Beverly Baldridge, Karen Lobell , Lisa Melcombe, Lorene Robbins, and Donna Rothman for making the dolls that go in the cradles. And to the generous quilters of the San Fernando Valley Quilt Association and the Valley Quiltmakers Guild, for making, and donating the quilts for the dolls, we appreciate all that you have done for us throughout the years.
We especially appreciate every club member who gave their time to help with the building of these wonderful toys.
Toy Build 2022
Another great year! We were able to make over 1,500 toys in 2022, even though there were still pandemic restrictions! More children were made happy than ever before! We want to thank all the members who made this possible, and the quilters and doll makers who assisted us in this effort.
And, we made the news! The Los Angeles Daily News reported on our program in their January 21, 2023 edition: LOCAL NEWS
Toy Build 2021
Even though, once again, the pandemic restricted our ability to work together for the 2021 Toy Build, and we again had to cancel our Toy Build weekend, we were able to produce a record-breaking total of more than 1,300 toys this year, which means that more children will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
We especially want to thank Beverly Baldrich, Gloria Cabernach, Karen Lobell, Lynn Pedersen, Donna Rothman, and Suzanne Woods for their sewing and artistic talents in making all the dolls for this year’s cradles. We also want to thank again the San Fernando Valley Quilt Association, the Valley Quilt Makers Guild, and Suzanne Woods for making the quilts and blankets that will keep the dolls warm.
Toy Build 2020
Although the Covid 19 pandemic kept us from getting together at El Camino Real Charter High School, for our annual Toy Build this year, we worked individually, or in small groups, throughout the year to build our toys. We are proud to say that we were able to make over 1,200 toys again this year, which we donated to charities that will, in turn, gift them to the boys and girls who we hope will enjoy playing with them.
Toy Build 2019
During the month of December, 2019, more than 1,100 toys were delivered to 20 organizations throughout Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. We delivered toys to churches, social service nonprofits (some with regional centers and offices throughout the county), day care centers, preschools and an elementary school in south Los Angeles. Our toys have become much anticipated items at many of the family shelters we serve, and the clients at those facilities are so very grateful to us for sharing the fruits of our labors.
San Fernando Valley Woodworkers spend much of the year devoted to bringing joy to children during the holiday season. From doll cradles, with handmade dolls made by the ladies of Dollies Making a Difference, and quilts, made by the San Fernando Valley Quilters Guild, flat top boxes, white erase boards, checker/chess boards, treasure chests, hand-tied, homemade, bags with four small trucks, block trucks, rubber band race cars, yoyos and mirrors, children were thrilled to receive our beautiful handmade toys.
Toy Build 2018
The cradles are exceptional, for their workmanship, and because they also come with beautiful handmade quilts donated by the San Fernando Valley Quilters Guild. In addition, we received 105 handmade dolls to go into the cradles from Dollies Making a Difference. Thanks to Cindy Simon and the people at Dollies Making a Difference ( for working with our club, and also for helping out in wrapping the dollies this year at the Toy Build.
We are thankful to shop teacher Mark Pomerantz at the El Camino Real Charter High School, who lets us work in his space, and his students help out as well. We count on their support on the Toy Build weekend in October.
We had major support this year (as always) from both Anderson Plywood and Swaner Lumber for donating the majority of the wood used to make our toys, and we are grateful to them for their continued support.
Organizations who received our toys this year include:
Ascension Lutheran Church: Providing holiday assistance to underserved children in Thousand Oaks.
Catholic Charities of Los Angeles: san-fernando-region/
LA County Child and Family Services: We donate to West San Fernando Valley office, where our toys are given to children in distress.
Family Rescue Center: Serving west San Fernando Valley.
Haven Hills: HHC LA:
Hope Fellowship: Serving Sun Valley and neighboring communities.
Jewish Family Services, HOPE:
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS: Grant Christensen donates to holiday program for kids Our Saviour Center: Episcopal outreach child care program in El Monte. our-saviour-center
Penny Lane Centers: – Serves homeless and troubled families. N. Hills.
Safe Passage: – Serves domestic violence victims and families, located in Van Nuys.
Swaner: – Receives toys from us, which are in turn donated to Children’s Hospital.
Toy Loan Program DPSSLA: portal/dpss/main/programs-and-services/toy-loan/ – ‘Toy lending library’ where children check toys out and can ‘earn’ toys.
Toy Build 2017

We would like to thank El Camino Real Charter High School for the use of their wood shop again this year, and for the current, and former students from the advanced woodshop class for assisting us in our 2017 build. We also want to thank Swaner Lumber, Valencia Lumber, and Anderson Plywood for the donation of the wood we used to make the toys. And our thanks to the San Fernando Valley Quilters Guild for making, and donating the quilts and blankets.
This year, we made 945 mirrors, cradles, block trucks, pick-up trucks, white erase boards, flat-top boxes, treasure chests, barrel trucks and yoyo’s.
Organizations that received our toys in 2017 include:
Assistance League of Southern California/Foster Children’s Resource Center
LA Department of Children and Family Services
Penny Lane Shelter
Los Angeles County Toy Loan Program by the Department of Public Services
Haven Hills Battered Women’s Shelter
Family Rescue Center
Cloud and Fire Ministries
Safe Passage Battered Women’s Shelter
Lutheran Social Services
Our Saviour Center
The Church of Latter Day Saints
Family Services Violence Project
Catholic Charitiies
Alexandria Shelter House
San Fernando Valley Veteran’s Employment Agency
Toy Build 2016
Toy Build 2015
Toy Build 2014
Organizations that received our toys in 2014 include:
Assistance League of Southern California/Foster Children’s Resource Center
LA Dept. of Children and Family Services
Los Angeles County Toy Loan program by Department of Public Social Services, LA County
Haven Hills Battered Women’s Shelter
Family Rescue Center
Cloud and Fire Ministries
Safe Passage Battered Women’s Shelter
Lutheran Social Services
Jewish Family Service- Family Violence Project
Our Saviour Church
Mormon Church
LA Department of Public Social Services
Alexandria Shelter House
Toy Build 2013
Toy Build 2012
Toy Build 2011
Toy Build 2010
Toy Build 2009
Toy Build 2008